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產品名稱: 有機磷類和氨基甲酸酯類農藥的快速檢測產品型號:產品時間: 2024-12-23有機磷類和氨基甲酸酯類農藥的快速檢測
1 適用范圍:本方法適用于蔬菜、水果、相應食物、水及中毒殘留物中有機磷類和氨基甲酸酯類農藥及鼠藥的快速檢測。本方法引自國家標準快速檢測方法GB/T5009.199-2003。
2 檢測原理:膽堿酯酶可催化靛酚乙酸酯(紅色)水解為乙酸與靛酚(藍色),有機磷或氨基甲酸脂類農藥對膽堿酯酶有抑制作用,使催化、水解、變色的過程發(fā)生改變,由此判斷樣品中是否含有過量有機磷或氨基甲酸酯類農藥的殘留。
3 檢測試材
3.1 固化有膽堿酯酶和靛酚乙酸酯試劑的農藥速測卡。
3.2 乙酸乙酯
3.3 pH7.5磷酸鹽浸提(緩沖)溶液:分別取
3.4 稱量天平
3.5 有條件時配備專為農藥速測卡而設計的“農藥殘留速測儀”和超聲波提取器。
4 蔬菜、水果中農藥殘留量的檢測、結果判斷與注意事項
4.1 表面測定法(粗篩法): 擦去蔬菜表面泥土,滴2~3滴浸提液在蔬菜表面,用另一片蔬菜在滴液處輕輕摩擦。取一片速測卡,將蔬菜上的液滴滴在白色藥片上。放置10min進行預反應,將速測卡對折(紅色藥片與白色藥片疊合)后,用手捏3min時,打開與空白對照實驗卡比較,白色藥片不變色或略有淺藍色均為陽性結果。白色藥片變?yōu)樘焖{色或與空白對照卡相同為陰性結果。有條件時,將紙片插入“農藥殘留速測儀”自動恒溫、定時檢測。
4.2 整體測定法:選取有代表性的蔬菜樣品,擦去表面泥土,剪成
5 相應食物及中毒殘留物中農藥的檢測、結果判斷與注意事項:
5.2 注意事項:
6 農藥速測卡的質量控制
6.1 按操作方法與注意事項進行,只加pH7.5磷酸鹽浸提液或純凈水的農藥速測卡應變?yōu)樗{色;0.3mg/kg的敵敵畏或敵百蟲溶液,可使農藥速測卡呈陽性反應。
7. 產品儲藏與效期:速測卡閉光常溫保存有效期為1年。冷藏可延長有效期。
Rapid Test for Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticides
1 Scope of application: This method is suitable for organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide detection in vegetables, fruits, appropriate food, water and toxic residues. It is taken from fast national standard detection methods GB/T5009.199-2003.
2 Detection principles
3 test specimens
3.1 Rapid detection of pesticides card
3.2 Ethyl acetate
3.3 pH7.5 phosphate extraction (buffer) solution:
3.4 Balance
3.5 Rapid Test for pesticides designed "pesticide residues Tachometer" and ultrasonic extractor.
4 Fast tests of pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits. Judgment of the results and Notes.
4.1 Determination by the surface (coarse sieve method): vegetables, wipe the surface soil, drop 2 or 3 drops of extract in vegetable surface, with the other pieces of vegetables gently in the drip Department of friction. Take a quick test card, the vegetables on the liquid drops on the white pills. 10min placed pre-reaction, the Rapid Test Pack (red and white tablets pills superimposed), the Yong Shounie 3min, open the card compared with the control experiment; if the white tablets change into light blue or does not change color, then the results are positive. If the white tablet changes into blue or the same as the control card, then the result is negative. Conditionally, it will slip into "pesticide residues Tachometer" automatic thermostat, timing detection.
4.2 Determination by the whole: select representative samples of vegetables, wipe the surface of the soil, cut into
4.3 Note:
4.3.2 Detection of pesticides in drinking water can be directly added to take 2 to 3 drops of speed measurement card to operate. Tea on the detection of pesticides in tea, can be measured this way, processed tea, the light of "the corresponding residues in food and pesticide poisoning detection."
4.3.3 Detection Rapid Test samples placed in pre-reaction time should be placed with the control card as the same time. Red pills and white composite reaction time control pills in 3min, open observation time should be within 1min prevail.
4.3.4 control card does not change color because, first, tablets may increase the surface extract less, pre-reaction of the tablet surface moist enough; second extract (buffer) of pH may be a problem (when available pure water for comparison to confirm); Third, the operating environment in the air may contain pesticide residues.
5 The corresponding residues in food and pesticide poisoning, and the results determine and notes:
5.1 Sample handling and determination: to take the sample amount in the container, add 2 times the amount of ethyl acetate, after sufficient shaking standing, take mix with the pan in water bath on evaporation to dryness in ethyl acetate, to take 1mL phosphate extract after evaporation to dryness the residue dissolved, take 2 to 3 drops of solution residue on the white pills on a quick test card, placing 10min pre-reaction, the Rapid Test Pack (red and white tablets pills superimposed), hand pinching 3min, open the speed test card, and also control the operation speed test card (white tablet on an increase of only extract the Rapid Test) compared to white pills do not change color as the strong positive results, a slight light blue for the weak positive The results, sky blue or the same with the control card for the negative results.
5.2 Notes:
5.2.2 Other Considerations and vegetables and fruits in the determination of pesticide residues in the same note.
6 Pesticide quality control of Rapid Test:
6.1 How and attention issues, only add pH7.5 phosphate solution or pure water extraction of pesticides strain Rapid Test for the blue; 0.3mg/kg of dichlorvos, or trichlorfon solution, enables fast testing of pesticides card positive.
7. Product storage and Validity: Closed Light Rapid Test is valid for 1 year storage at room temperature. The storage can be extended by cold storage.
- (上一篇):鼠藥安妥試紙
- (下一篇):農藥殘留測定浸提液(固體)